

Phil, an entrepreneur of the arts, has forged a diverse career path spanning architecture, dance, teaching, and property management & real estate. At Northern Lights Entertainment, he holds crucial roles as the Dance Team Manager, an Emcee, and a DJ.

In 2006, Phil embarked on his dance odyssey with Fitchburg State College’s Dance Team, igniting a passion that would shape his trajectory. Transferring to Wentworth Institute of Technology in 2008, he honed his skills exclusively in hip hop. At Wentworth, Phil played a pivotal role in founding and overseeing the Wentworth Dance Team while also contributing to the dynamic performances of the Colleges of the Fenway Dance Project.

Over his impressive decade-long tenure with his current dance company, Phil dedicated himself to community outreach, notably as an active member of the former D.A.R.E. Dance, now known as the Drug Enforcement Agency Youth Dance Program (DEAYDP). In this role, Phil imparted choreography and dance to middle school-aged kids, offering a creative and positive alternative to high-risk experimentation with illegal substances and alcohol.

Phil's dynamic performances enhance every event he touches, bringing vibrancy to every NLE-hosted occasion.

Photography courtesy of SLY Photography and Jake Belcher



